Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ha ha wii fit!

i finally got my wii fit age below my actual age! that means i'm in pretty good shape according to the game!
oh, and we booked our tickets to florida! my goal is to be below 120 by the time i step on the plane. if i'm at 110 then i get to eat whatever i want while we're on vacation. i can totally do eleven pounds by july 20th, but twenty one is going to be the challenge. brudder is afraid that i'm over-doing the jogging and that i'm going to quit in a few weeks. i tried explaining that i do this every year. it's never occurred to me that i could just stop working out, but now that it's in my head as an option i'm a little worried.
oh, and the hula hoop is wonderful! i should have tried to figure out how to stretch the muscles that i use while playing with it, but hindsight's 20/20. and i can laugh and cough again without wincing. i'm still not all about the push ups. maybe i should practice those without the three inch board under me before i try that one again?
oh, and i keep hearing that i can log my workouts that i do sans-wii onto the tracking chart later, but i can't figure that one out, so if anybody out there knows anything about that, will you give me a holler?

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