Wednesday, April 22, 2009

riley's big day

is this not the most pathetic face you've ever seen? saturday we spent the evening at bow-wow beach. we must have done three hundred fifty laps around the lake. they put a big basin by the hose to wash the children off when they're done playing. no, he doesn't swim... but he does dunk this whole head into the water and then fling the water back behind him with his nose. it's rather elephant-like. spectators got a big kick out of watching him, and he got a kick out of them watching! for whatever reason the puppies love him. they come up to him and tug at his ears, neck, and tail, and he just looks at them as if they've gone mad.
after we got back to ravenna he got "furminated" and he was too whooped to fight it. sunday morning he didn't roll out of bed until after eleven, which made me half amused and half concerned (that he's just not getting enough prolonged exercise) for a dog his size. this picture was taken early sunday morning. and yes, i'm getting the "mom, it's early in the morning and i don't have anywhere to be right now. do you really need to be doing this at the moment?" look.



I enjoy your blog and thank you for creating it. Have a great day!

brandi said...

why, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ok so I missed Riley and your dad's birthday? Hope they both were good. I used to get Dryfuss a cupcake on his birthday, and it never lasted